Two silver wins at the Employer Brand Management Awards 2017

26 April 2017

ODEON Cinemas Group has been recognised with two silver awards at the 2017 Employer Brand Management Awards, for ‘Best communication of the employer brand to the internal audience’ and ‘Best ongoing commitment to employer brand management.’

The judges were impressed by the quality of ODEON’s employer brand ideas, including work on ODEON’s colleague journey ‘Your incredible journey,’ vision and values months, the new careers website, Brand Heroes and Sharetember initiatives.

In 2016, ODEON had won Gold in the ‘Best ongoing commitment to employer brand management’ category, and had also scooped the ultimate prize; the ‘Grand Prix for employer brand management,’ against competition from BMW, Deutsche Bank, McDonalds, BP and more. This was an exception win in a category which cannot be entered, but is chosen by the judges out of all the award entries across other categories. Judges gave ODEON five star reviews all round.